2017: Installation included in [___] Exhibition at Big Orbit Project Space of CEPA Gallery, Buffalo, NY
This installation was done in collaboration with artist Van Tran Nguyen. It consisted of prints, sound, a desk and chair, and legal and other documentation that explored the hate crime beating to death of Vincent Chin in Detroit in the early 1980's; the failed criminal case and resulting federal civil rights prosecutions; and the effect this had on Mr Chin's mother, Lily, and the Asian civil rights movement. Among other elements of the installation, and Nguyen made a recording using her own immigrant mother's voice reading excerpts from the legal proceedings' transcripts gathered in connection with Fleming's extensive legal research.
2015-2016: "Rhinosceros" portfolio, comprised of selected text from Eugene Ionesco's 1960 play, RHINOSCEROS, together with six intaglio prints. The prints are not illustrations so much as my reaction to Ionesco's theatre-of-the-absurd drama which reflects several current social and political developments, in the U.S. and around the world.